Monday, July 30, 2007

Teachers using Technology with DyKnow Vision

On this particular site, the uses of DyKnow Vision in the classroom are explored and highlighted. One thing I learned that I hadn't picked up on previously was that students could form work groups and"can share notes and collaborate internally". This site also provided a blog for those of us who would like to communicate our thoughts and experiences regarding DyKnow Vision and a summary of the technology-which is said to be "collaborative note-taking, student response tools, content replay, and anywhere, anytime access."

The website where you can check out this information is:

Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Update on DyKnow Vision

This information is relatively current and gives an update about DyKnow Vision, it is from April 2007. There is now DyKnow Monitor Software which can "allow instructors to block applications from running on students' computers and blank out student screens when the instructor doesn't want the student to be distracted. It displays a thumbnail of each student's screen on the instructor's monitor, providing control over the students' computers." The article doesn't say whether this new software was developed because of input from professors, but I'm wondering if it was. What do you think?

The website for the article is:


Monday, July 23, 2007

Digital Literacy

I think that there are a wealth of online resources for educators out there on the web. For me, it's just a matter of finding the precise ones that you need at the time. I'm always happy to see suggestions from professors and colleagues about great sites because then I copy the URLs into a log book that I have under a certain category and I have it there when I'm looking for something. (I know I should bookmark it, but I still do things the old-fashioned way-but I am getting better!) I hope that libraries don't completely forget about books because I just LOVE books-they are one of life's treasures! I do use the ICDL in my library becuase it is a valuable, free resource and really helps out getting materials for populations that I have nothing else available for them.

Do you guys like the ICDL?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Web-based teaching and learning tools

For me, the biggest draw to web-based tools is that they are interactive. Students (and teachers) like to be stimulated when they're learning and it also makes the time go much faster. I find that the periods in the school day fly by when everyone is actively engaged. I learned a great deal about webquests this week already because I am the facilitator for my group's discussion. Although I have never created a webquest, the format seems similar to the lessons that we created in Dr. Small's class. I remember having fun with that, but also remember the huge amount of time put into the lesson. I was wondering if people get paid to just produce webquests for schools, or is it just a voluntary thing done by professionals who want to enhance learning? I've also utilized sites on the web to produce rubrics and worksheets-so I feel a little more connected to this topic than some of the others we've explored! How about you guys, have you created webquests?


Monday, July 16, 2007

How Much IS DyKnow Vision?

Apparently, there is a website that lists the benefits of DyKnow Vision for students, teachers, administrators as well as the IT staff. On this website you can also narrow down which group you belong to (education, in our case) and fill out a form to request a price quote. If you are interested the URL is*DyKnow_Education_Licenses!OpenDocument&menu2

I also came across a teacher in a K-8 environment(I think it was Julie who made mention of DyKnow Vision and whether or not it was being used in elementary school) who wrote a glowing review about this technology in 2006. The URL to check that out is

I hope these sites answer some of your questions concerning this technology!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Assistive Technology

This topic is near and dear to my heart. I think all professionals in schools should be aware of the technologies available to assist individuals with special needs as well as receive training every year updating them on the technology and how to utilize it. I wholeheartedly agree with the statement made in the learning module calling for "people first" language, concentrating on the individual rather than the disability.

One of my responsibilities is to choose a Book of the Month which centers around developing character education as well as exploring multiculturalism. I create a packet for the teachers to assist them with strategies on how to incorporate the book into the curriculum. This past June's book was entitled We Can Do It! and it was a nonfiction biographical sketch of 5 youngsters with varying disabilities and how they display courage to perform their daily activities and how they like and do the same stuff as other children. Well, I have to tell you, the teachers and students fell in love with the book and the children in the book. They saw them as real people overcoming challenges and the students really made connections. The teachers thanked me for choosing a book which encouraged their students to think about others. I hope my school community has become a little more aware about individuals with disabilities are "real" people and I think I will offer the information in this week's learning module as a resource for my colleagues.

Let me know how you feel about this topic and the treatment it receives in your school.


Monday, July 9, 2007

DyKnow Vision and Classroom Engagement

I have feverishly been trying to reactivate the title bar for this blog but cannot get it to work-so I've put the title in the text. Sorry!

I read and looked through slides from a presentation done by David Berque from DePauw University entitled Fostering Classroom Engagement with Electronic Whiteboards, Tablet PCs, and DyKnow Vision.

The main points of the presentation were:
--How to make the classroom more engaging and interactive.
--How teachers and students get feedback more quickly.
--How evaluation results are readily available in the system for students after they log on.

The presentation offers concrete examples for classroom exploration and use. Check it out at this site:

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


It seems that what were once home movies have turned into "capturing and sharing personal experiences" and the oldtime documentaries seem to have been replaced by "sharing information and events". It seems like all of the equipment has been updated and if you have access to the right technology, you have the ability to produce your own podcast. Hopefully someone besides yourself would want to view it though, not like spending holidays with the relatives and being forced to endure the old family movies!

I like the idea that podcasting can make "education portable" however, it's not interactive. Personally, I prefer systems that are interactive because I like to be stimulated and am an aggressive learner. (I really liked the clicker that Julie mentioned in her blog!) All in all though, I am amazed by the wealth of technology that I am being exposed to and learning about.


Monday, July 2, 2007

DyKnow Vision

Just when I was getting really excited about Virtual Museums, it's time to switch topics! My new topic is DyKnow Vision and this is a really cool thing to learn about as well (I hope you share my enthusiasm!).
On the company's homepage they send this message to the public: "DyKnow is devoted to empowering educators with intuitive technology-based tools that enhance sound teaching strategies and engage students." When I saw their product, I realized that they weren't kidding! DyKnow has a software product that runs on the average computer and allows teaching to become interactive. The product can "transmit content to student computers, students can annotate notes, and play back their notebook later." What amazing technology! Take a look at the website and let me know what you think:
