Monday, July 2, 2007

DyKnow Vision

Just when I was getting really excited about Virtual Museums, it's time to switch topics! My new topic is DyKnow Vision and this is a really cool thing to learn about as well (I hope you share my enthusiasm!).
On the company's homepage they send this message to the public: "DyKnow is devoted to empowering educators with intuitive technology-based tools that enhance sound teaching strategies and engage students." When I saw their product, I realized that they weren't kidding! DyKnow has a software product that runs on the average computer and allows teaching to become interactive. The product can "transmit content to student computers, students can annotate notes, and play back their notebook later." What amazing technology! Take a look at the website and let me know what you think:



Kate said...

Hi Beatrice-

I checked out the website that you posted and it really made me think about impact that this could have on student learning.

From what I can tell so far, it's a great way for teachers and students to interact simulataneously in class. So whatever a teacher creates or imports during a lesson will then appear on a student's display. Plus, it's interesting that the students can interact with the content. I suppose that such interactions can be done independently or even in a collaborative group setting.

Anyway, I look forward to learning more about this from you!


Julie Marie said...

It looks to me as if DyKnow combines many of the features we've seen in other technological applications. For one, it has a feature similar to the "clicker" whereby students can respond simultaneously to a teacher generated question (or, for that matter, a question asked by anyone using the system)and the responses will be displayed in a variety of formats.

In addition, it's like a Smartboard or tablet, letting users "write" on their monitors and share whatever they create with everyone online at the time.

It seems to be a useful addition to wireless or fixed computer labs -- as long as the price is right!

BeaL said...

Hi Kate & Julie-

It seems as though both of you have truly captured the essence of DyKnow Vision! It is interactive and quite similar to other technologies we've already seen. I will investigate the pricing!
